Aadhaar Address Update in Urban Areas
Steps to Access
To access our application you can either download the android application or click here to view on web.
Note : If you are on web version, Aadhaar API’s(OTP and EKYC) blocks the requests due to CORS issue. Please use browser with disabled CORS and security.
google-chrome --disable-web-security --disable-gpu --user-data-dir=~/tem
open -n -a /Applications/Google\ Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google\ Chrome --args --user-data-dir="/tmp/chrome_dev_test" --disable-web-security
Problem Statement
Address Update in Aadhaar in Urban Areas
An innovative solution using technology that will help in overcoming your challenge to update the address.
- Tenant will log in by using their Aadhaar Number/Staging UID which is kept encrypted via Base64 in our secure Database.
- Tenant enters Landlord’s phone number on their application and Landlord receives a request regarding request to lend their address to tenant, which can be approved or declined.
- The Request Notification is sent via SMS service as well as in app notifications.
- If landlord declines or approves the request, tenant will get notified about their request status through SMS and in App Notification.
- After getting approval, tenant gets the address and can edit the address minimally.
- The address edited by tenant and the address approved by the landlord will be validated using geocoding api.
- If the two addresses are having difference of more than 100 meters, the request will get rejected and further updates will be demanded from the Tenant.
- Else request succeeds and address of tenant will get updated successfully.
- Our solution is Multiplatform, users can use both web as well as mobile application.
- Native In App Notifications for updates on requests.
- Notifications through SMS Service for updates on requests.
- OTP and Ekyc Aadhaar API’s are integrated.
- Request can be updated or deleted by the Tenant.
Landlord can Approve/Decline the request.
- Profile Page for getting updated information as stored on Aadhaar Servers.
- Address Verification through Geocoding API’s and strict limit to distance between 2 addresses.
- Usage of BLOC Architecture, with which we capable of replacing any backend services without affecting the User Interface.
- Easy to understand Interactive UI/UX Design using color coding the requests.
- Input Validation before sending requests to servers.
- Our web and app is fully responsive, the users can run app or web in any device irrespective of its size.

Tech Stack
FastAPI, Flutter, MongoDB, Twilio, Firebase Messaging, Google Fonts, Bloc Architecture, Google Maps API’s, OpenCage API’s, Base64 Encryption
Steps to run loclly
Clone the repo in your local machine and setup python and flutter environment. Create .env file similar to .env.sample file with all the required fields.
Mobile Application
- Go into
directory by doing cd app
in terminal.
- Configure firebase for android by folllowing the doumentation.
- Write
flutter run
in the terminal to start the application.
FastAPI Server
- Install all the required packages in python virtual enviroment
pip install requirements.txt
- Run
python main.py
in the root directory of the project.